• Pressure Sensor, Pressure Transducer, Pressure Transmitter
Non mercury melt pressure transducer
  • 2019-01-07
  • Zhyq
  • 83

Non mercury melt pressure transducer/transmitter

The oil-filled melt pressure transducer/transmitter for extrusion application where the use of mercury is prohibited or where a processor would rather not have exposure. The initial target market are medical, food and packaging.

The PT124G/B-113(T), 122(T) Series melt pressure transducers are available in standard transducer (mV/V) and transmitter (4-20 mA, 0-10V dc) outputs. They are also available in ‘System Packages’ with a cable and either a 1/4 DIN pressure controller or 1/8 and 1/4 DIN pressure indicators with alarms and analog retransmission.

To compensate for the negative high temperature behavior of the oil, ZHYQ Ltd. engineers developed a corrugated sensing diaphragm. the corrugated design is more compliant and easily compensates for the effects of the expanding oil. This reduces internal sensor pressure and thereby minimizes the change of the sensor zero output with changes in process temperature.


  • Available Pressure Ranges: 1500 to 10,000 psi
  • Combined Error: ±0.5% FS for ranges of 5000 psi and above (sum of linearity, hysteresis and repeatability error) and ±1.0% FS for ranges below 5000 psi.
  • Maximum Process Temperature:280℃
  • Sensing Diaphragm: titanium nitride-coated15-5PH SS
  • Zero Drift on Electronics: <0.01% FS/℃
  • Span Drift on Electronics: <0.01% FS/℃
  • Internal R-Cal Circuit: Factory-set at 80% FS
  • Outputs Available: Ratiometric 3.3 mv/v, 4-20 mA 0-10 v dc


  • Special for process during the industry of medial, food and packaging

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